Divine message

Since last avast version: When receiving mail,:
""message sain " became “message saint” in french version.
obviously the good word is "SAIN "

Oops :-[
I have refreshed some files, but it seems that the updated versions contained this mistake.
I have just fixed it so it should be OK in the next version. Unfortunatelly, it will affect new installations only; these files are normally not updated during a program update because the user might have customized them - so I suggest to fix the typo in the respective files


Igor, can you sent me the HTML files of English version for comparison and corrections in my translation? Thanks.
If the user deletes the help file in his installation, wouldn’t be possible that avast repair it sending him/her the new (updated and corrected) file? For instance, can we receive the corrected files of Portuguese help?

I’m afraid not. If you delete the help file, it will simply be repaired (=extracted) from the stored packages. The setup doesn’t query the servers for anything special during the repair.

I’ve just sent you the HTML files by e-mail.

Thanks Igor :slight_smile:

Thanks Igor! I’ve rediscovered my materialistic correspondence !!!

Hi everybody,

this is my first post here. First thing I have to say is that I am so happy to have found Avast! . Thanks for that great software :wink:

While modifying these files, I have noticed that the accents were missing. In french, that can really change the sense of sentences: for example ‘FICHIER INFECTE’ (sort of ‘disgusting file’ I think ?) is not the same that ‘FICHIER INFECTÉ’ ;D

If you want I can send you the modified files for the next release.


Well, that’s really rather unfortune.
The problem is that the messages are appended to incoming/outgoing e-mails - and the e-mails may have various encodings (especially encoding of incoming messages certainly cannot be influenced - you don’t know what you’ll receive). So, if an accented text in a particular encoding is appended to a message in another encoding, the appended note will not be displayed correctly (the accented characters will be turned into some garbage). So, we rather sticked to plain ASCII characters only in the text notes… :-\