New here with using avast! free edition. Built an old dos, win98 and win2k rig for purposes of playing older games. Needed a decent AV prog to watch my back so to speak. Everything I looked at pointed me here to avast! … seems like a solid little AV prog. My post is to find out a few things if I may… Most AV progs do the live update stuff, but some will allow you to DL a file to update the defs to the current date and release. Does avast! do this? And if so, where can I DL them on a daily or weekly basis.
Just take into account that the normal on-line update is only 10 - 400 KB each time, and the full VPS is about 38+ MB (for avast version 4.8 ), so use it only in cases where it is absolutely necessary.
Also, take into account that avast will support w98 and 2k until December 2012. Tic tac tic tac…
Appreciate the heads up on support issues, didn’t know anything about it til now. It should allow me time to look into and play with some other programs I’ve come across. Will ALL support be gone as in both DLable def’s and live updates be history for the Free Edition v.6???
avast 4.8 that works on W98 will be history in 2012…and that is a year longer than planned
PB1, any update.
Which “other” product did you find?
Well, for one I still have a few Norton SystemWorks 2005 CDs available I bought awhile back and even though Symantec’s programs can be a bit freaky at times, they are proven and they offer a downloadable file that’ll still update not only the current defs but also the applications list blah blah blah. I’d rather use those for a rig that’ll be hooked up to the net for more than an update from time to time.
As for the “other”'s… you got ARTAV, EAV, AD-Aware and Rising to name a few. Still young and to me… unproven, but ALL AV programs have been ‘young and unproven’ at one time or other, no?