dll files in virus chest

Avast has put several dll files in the virus chest-all chest files;


Are these viruses, false positives or something malicious? It didnt come up in the virus chest section and i got no messages to move them so i cant figure out why they are there and if they are dangerous?

Can anyone help?

Thank you

These are backup files.
Look, they’re on the System folder of the Chest. :wink:
Let them there.

I really do wish Alwil would get rid of this All Chest Files collation of the three sections.

  • The only area you should be interested in is the Infected Files section, this is where the files detected by avast and selected by you to move to the chest are placed.
  • The User Files section is where the user can add files they suspect of being malware but not detected by avast.
  • The System Files section is where avast keeps back-up copies of important system files in case the original becomes infected (leave them alone).

And you can boot/logon… otherwise, the files are unreachable and useless… :-\ :cry: