DNS client issues

I’ve been using avast home 4.6 in conjunction with zone alarm home edition version 5.5 on my XP system for a little while now. Verizon is my DSL provider. After an inconsistent period of time, I find myself unable to resolve sites until I restart the DNS client. My TCP/IP properties are configured to obtain an IP address automatically and to obtain a DNS server automatically. Verizon is providing me with one dynamic IP and I am using a switch to network two workstations and a laptop. The only new piece to the equation is Avast. I was curious if anyone else knew of any issues along these lines. I tried searching the forums but did not find anything similar to my issue. Any input would be appreciated.


DNS communication should not be blocked by avast, but could you please disable Network Shield provider when you’ll find out you can’t resolve site names ? The best is, to run “nslookup www.google.com” from command line window and copy&paste results here (it communicates directly to your DNS so it’d tell us more than the fact that your browser is unable to resolve a host address). Thanks.

In spite of that, we still think it’s not our fault :-[ - at least, we dont know how we could block DNS.

Thank you for your reply. Here is the output you requested:

C:>nslookup www.google.com
*** Can’t find server name for address No information
*** Default servers are not available
Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.google.com

I am also having a DNS issue. See my post here…

I did a reset of my gateway to see if that is the problem. I did not install Network Shield. I will keep you posted. Deitied, is your issue resolved???

If you are having DNS problems with your ISP, try Treewalk which is an excellent DNS server cum cacher and it is free. I use it extensively as my ISP’s DNS server is always having problems. Has speeded up my surfing quite a bit and is fully compatible with Avast, no issues whatsoever.