Figured I’d ask here since I can’t find any conclusive information on the net.
I realised a network inspector scan this morning, and while it usually doesn’t find anything (I think the last one I did was the day before yesterday), I got a warning that time, concerning my Router :
No idea about the two websites, I never went there.
I can’t really do anything about the DNS adress used by my router since it’s fixed and determined by my ISP, so just out of curiosity I tried a factory reset on it, then tried changing the DNS adress my computer uses, to (the google one), and finally did a /flushdns.
Did a new scan and now the weird thing is that I got the same exact message, but it was for my computer instead of my router. The same exact warning but for my computer and nothing for my router.
Removed the adress from my computer and now it’s back on my router.
Any tip, should I be worried or is that some weird false positive linked to my ISP ?
I received exactly te same warning. It seems to me to be generated by Avast. Changing my Router’s password didn’t help, got the same warning again.
I look forward to Avast’s response.
I enabled the ‘scan all networks’ in the WiFi Inspector (Ordinarily I didn’t do that) and ran a scan, it too comes up with the DNS hijack.
My indication is that the IP address’s given is for my Internet Service providers routers DNS - I checked my Routers settings and confirmed the IPs were for my Internet Service provider and NOT being hijacked.
So I think Avast’s WiFi inspector is getting a bit trigger happy.
These are IPs set up for DNS connections by my router, not an external Hijack.
My browser Firefox DNS settings Auto-detect proxy settings for this network. So it should use the ISPs router settings.
I had this issue as well with the same URLs. If you can access your router change your DNS on your PC or Router to Googles DNS or any other DNS service you trust for a test. Re-scan. If you have to reset to factory default (pin hole button) at least you know everything will be wiped.
I changed both IvP4 and 6 to Google’s DNS on PC with no flags on multiple scans. My ISP’s router can not have it’s DNS changed by a user. If it can be changed by some other method I dont know. I used the factory reset button to wipe the setting as much as possible. If I go back to my ISP’s DNS the router is flagged.
I am using Shaw near Vancouver Canada if that information helps. Perhaps we or our ISP share something in common that Avast has detected or flagged.
I do not use network scanning from avast because in most cases it does not give really useful information. It almost always finds problems where there are none. This is nonsense when the settings specified in manual mode are outlawed. Avast does just that. If your DNS is specified in the network interface settings, then the computer does not use the router’s DNS. It is a common standard practice to use a stable preferred DNS when the provider’s DNS is unstable. However, Avast considers this a malicious substitution. The same thing happens when the router has the option to choose between the DNS provider and well-known DNS services like google-dns or dns server is specified manually. This is absolutely legal and normal, but Avast sees it as evil. Some antiviruses also don’t like it when you manually make entries in the hosts file. Although that’s exactly what it was created for. With this approach, you can call the system administrator a crook and send him to prison. ;D
Hi, in some situations, this could be a false positive. We just released a fix that should prevent it from happening (in case it was indeed a false positive).
Can you please reboot your computer and try scanning your network again? Let me know if it worked.
I just did a manual program and VPS update, I wasn’t sure how this fix was to be delivered or by Emergency Update function ?
Unfortunately I don’t think I will be able to test this as I made changes to avoid the DNS Hijack found error found on network inspector scan.
Having set my ISP providers Router to trusted. I also had to enable the Avast Firewall, set to Private Network or there wouldn’t have been a way to do this.