DNS problem

I am installing Avast on 40 PC’s, a mix of XP, 2000 and NT4.

A tip for NT and 2000 when installing Avast pro don’t select a boot scan, it will blue screen the PC.

On to my problem. I have one NT and one 2000 machine causing me problems, since I insalled Avast I can’t browse the internet or collect mail, the error is page not found.

When I try to ping www.google.com I get the error unknown host, if I ping the IP address everything works fine. all PC’s use a local DNS server which works for all but the 2 PC’s giving trouble.

If I change the DNS to our ISP I still have the same problem.

Any Ideas?

A tip for NT and 2000 when installing Avast pro don't select a boot scan, it will blue screen the PC.

What? What version are you installing, exactly? And what does the blue screen say?

On to my problem. I have one NT and one 2000 machine causing me problems, since I insalled Avast I can't browse the internet or collect mail, the error is page not found.

When I try to ping www.google.com I get the error unknown host, if I ping the IP address everything works fine. all PC’s use a local DNS server which works for all but the 2 PC’s giving trouble.

If I change the DNS to our ISP I still have the same problem.

And this started happening only after installing avast? Very strange indeed…
Does nslookup work?


Thanks for the reply Vlk,

I am installing Avast Pro Version 4.7, Build 4.7.871 The boot scan problem occurred on 2 consecutive NT4 PC’s, I can’t recall the exact error message but it ruffly said “cannot find entry point into ???.DLL”

I had allready installed Avast home on the 2000 PC with no problems, (including a boot scan) when I updated to PRO and let it boot scan it blue screened like the 2 NT PC’s.

I have since installed Pro on a few other NT4 and 2000 PC’s and wait till I have re booted and updated before I run a scan.

The DNS problem has only surfaced on 1 NT4 PC and 1 2000 PC and yes it appeared as soon as Avast was installed, (Unable to update Avast) It was working before Avast was installed.

nslookup reports
C:\Documents and Settings\assembly>nslookup
*** Can’t find server name for address No response from server
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: UnKnown

All other PC’s on the network use this DNS and are OK,
The problem PC connects to it mapped drives on the network without any problems.

Any suggestions would be appreciated


That’s really strange… there was a bug in build 4.7.869 that caused the described problems (bluescreen on Windows NT4 and 2000) - but it was fixed in 4.7.871. So, I really don’t understand how it could still occur here… unless something prevented the aswBoot.exe file in System32 folder from being updated :-\

Sorry my mistake, I checked the version on the 2000 PC with DNS problems (and hasn’t had any updates) and it is V4.7.869,

Well, I certainly recommend to update to 4.7.871 (the only change is this fix of the boot-time scanner problem).