hi thx 4 all the help on here lately. on avast do i put a checkmark in the troubleshooting section that says skip checking of digetal signatures of infected files or do i leave that unchecked thx again.
I believe it is not checked by default, I would leave it that way unless you have a good reason to change it, same goes for almost all Avast! settings.
There are a lot of settings, try to record what you change, if you do change any.
Avast! has no “restore to default settings” feature.
i did put a check in there but now i seen ur post ive put it back the way it was and its ok it did work i didnt mess it up as the checkmark i was able to take back out again. avast is by far the best av ive ever used and i wont be changeing ive had avg norton all the others none as good as this i use stopzilla as well ats quite good 4 spyware and trojans etc.
It is a default setting (unchecked), so I would say leave it as it is.
It is best to check the avast ‘? Help Center’ in the avastUI, see image extract (click to expand) of why it should be left at it is.
thx david aall seems to be working ok still though thx god i wont change nothing else now wen i install new programmes i wonder if i av to change anything u know but i put it back how it was so alls going now david though. and i also as i say use stopzillaa anti spywhere and malware bytes which r good to
You’re welcome.
Malwarebytes is good, I have no experience of stopzilla though.