Do I have a virus?

This is on a new install of Vista. I did a boot time scan.

It was taking to long so I went away for a few hours.

When I came back my computer was asleep so I moved the mouse and it started comming back to life but the screen was black.

I decided to turn it off and on again and it gave me the usual ‘Windows did not end normally’ or whatever it is message.

So, windows vista started up no problem. My boot scan log is empty,. it just says the following:

04/24/2008 13:58
Scan of all local drives

That’s it. So I looked in my chest and in the ‘All chest files’ section I found 3 files.


Windows seems to be working fine… In ‘infected files’ in the chest there is nothing.



The three .dll on the top is not virus they are always there.

You will notice the avast chest is in three sections:

  1. Infected Files, speaks for itself, any files detected by avast that you chose Move to Chest as the action.

  2. System files, back-up copies of important system files. There are (generally) files in the System Folder of the Chest:, kernel 32.dll and wsock32.dll. During the installation, avast! copies some critical system files into the Chest, under the “System files” category. Those files might cause the operating system to crash if they get infected by a virus. If needed, those files can be restored from the Chest to their original location. Should an unknown virus infect the computer despite the extensive protection from the avast! antivirus package and alter an important system file, it can then be easily restored to its original state.

  3. User Files, an area for the user to import suspicious files that haven’t been detected so they can do no harm and can be sent by email to Alwil for further analysis.

never eliminate the three files that you wrote down, thoose are very importnat system files that avast did copy from your pc during the software installation.