I have the newest Version of Avast AV Pro installed and is running with no problems. I have decided to upgrade to Avast Internet Security. Do I have to uninstall AV Pro first OR Can I just install over the Pro AV?
I think I know the answer (uninstall) but maybe I can save all the trouble.
First time with Avast FW. How to I simply ALLOW or BLOCK a Program?
Does Avast interfere with PS3? My PS3 Media Server does not initialize.
XBox 360 cannot access my Computer to play files.
It sure as heck was troublesome but I have everything sorted out now. ;D
PS3 Media Server operates on Java so I had to allow permission for Avast AV to start the Program. That took me a day of thinking something was wrong with my Java install before I figured out the problem. I wonder why Avast 6 did no blocking? Then I had to create a permission for the Firewall to allow the PS3 access.
With no proper manual, that exactly helps with my various problems like trying to get XBox360 and PS3 access to my video files for streaming, and my last FW was Windows 7, which created its rules automatically, it was time consuming.
But everything is fine now. Thanks for those who advised.
I,m glad you solved your problem. I can see you are still in AIS6 update to version 7 You can set Avast firewall to auto-decide and select Home profile(than you can run/update) all you programs in PC…avast will create best settings for these programs.