do i need a ZoneAlarm?

…even if i have Avast and AVG anti-spyware?

Use the search function and you will find plenty of threads where firewalls are discussed.

Just search for ‘firewall’.

I use Zone Alarm Free and it works well for me.

Yes, you need a firewall

I’m using Comodo Firewall Pro, and that firewall is working just fine here with avast! and AVG anti-spyware

Neither of these are firewalls, so yes you do need a firewall.

The free version of Zone Alarm has become bloated and comes packaged with multiple other elements on a trial basic in the hope that you might purchase them/it. Whilst it has a friendly user interface and works fine with avast, I’m not to keen this bloatware packaging.

i’ve installed COMODO…

is it normal for svchost.exe to connect in the net? when i’ve block this application… i can’t connect to the net…

Some applications use the Microsoft svchost.exe file to connect, for instance, P2P applications…
If it is the legit MS file, you need to allow it to connect in order to use the Internet after all…

A personal firewall is not always necessary, it really depends on what your network configuration is. For example, if you use a properly configured NAT router, all the PCs in your home network will be in full stealth mode and will be completely immune to external threats. The only thing you have to worry about at that point is internal threats, i.e. viruses or other malware already on your computer. If you run properly updated antivirus/antispyware utilities and are relatively cautious about what you do online (keep your browser securely configured, only download from trusted sites, don’t open e-mail attachments from unknown sources, etc.), then a personal firewall is just an unecessary waste of system resources.

That being said, anyone who is new to network security should definitely have some kind of personal firewall until they become more knowledgable and confident. Personally, I don’t like Zone Alarm, it’s way too bloated. I used Sygate for years, and it is extremely effective. Unfortunately, Sygate was purchased by Symantec and they no longer support it but you can still get the old free version many places online.

If you want to scan your system for potential threats, go to and look in the “Shields Up!” section. From there, you can run a full system port scan which will tell which, if any, ports are vulnerable to attack on your system.

EDIT: Check this page on GRC’s site for more info/advice on personal firewalls: