I’m new to Avast, but love the program. I am having problems with the e-mail scanner while using OUTLOOK EXPRESS 6.0. I am getting the port25 and 110 already in use messages. I have read the suggestions to correct the problem but still can’t get OE to send or receive. I believe SPYBOT Search & Destroy may be causing the problem. Does AVAST provide the same protection that SPYBOT S & D provides? Do I need SPYBOT? By now you have probably figured out that I am not very knowledgeable about protecting my computer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
There is no application that can detect all malware. Very unfortunatly, but that is the way it is and always will be. Therfor you need to have several applications. If you click on the link in my signature you can read about it at one of my webpages. This webpage also tells you which ones I advise to have/use and provide links to them so you don’t have to search for each one. I hope that explains it.
Avast, OE6 and Spybot s&d work beatufully together. But in order to solve the problem we need more information.
What version of Avast?
What vps version?
What operating system?
What is the EXACT error?
What is giving you the error? (Avast? OE?)
At what point do you get the error?
It sounds like Avast is holding Port 25 and 110 open to scan OE email, but I would bet that OE is not configured properly.
Shut down OE, run the Mail Protection Wizard in the Avast program folder and then start OE again.
This NORMALLY fixes this problem. If it does not, then we need to find out what program is holding open the ports that Avast needs.
Also, look in the OE, Tools, Accounts section and check on how the server and POP/SMTP servers are configured.
Server should be set to
POP should be something like yourusername#incoming.isp.com
SMTP should be something like
Ted_hurley, I don’t think it’s a Spybot related trouble.
I bet on your spam killer application… Do you use any?
Does AVAST provide the same protection that SPYBOT S & D provides?
Not exactly, you should use both, avast for viruses and worms and Spybot for spywares and adwares…
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