Would you please check my logs and tell me if my PC is infected? The internet connection is very slow, and the screen colors keep fading :-\
You have been running AdwCleaner 4 time. I need to see first AdwCleaner log, not last one.
Attach here AdwCleaner[S1].txt
Re-run OTL.exe.
[*]Copy and paste the following text written inside of the quote box into the Custom Scans/Fixes box.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\quartz.dll /md5
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdmo.dll /md5
C:\WINDOWS\system32\devenum.dll /md5
[*]Then click the RunScan button at the top.
[*]Let the program run unhinderedand when it is done it will open notepad with logreport. Attach here that fresh OTL.txt logreport.
Here are the new logs. I’m also including the aswMBR and the last RogueKiller reports.
You are clean. There is no malware …
Re-run OTL and click on CleanUp! button.
You will be asked to reboot the machine to finish the cleanup process, choose Yes.
After the reboot all the tools we used should be gone.
Note: Some more recently created tools may not yet be removed by OTL. Feel free to manually delete any tools it leaves behind.
Thank you very much for your prompt response, you are awesome! Do you have any suggestions to fix the screen color fading issue and improve my internet connection?