"Do-it-yourself worm constructor" - the latest thing for the malcreant!

Hi malware fighters,

Giving your trojan worm-like qualities is easy using the Worm-Constructor. This impressive tool was found in the hands of malcreants: http://pandalabs.pandasecurity.com/archive/T2W-_2D002D003E00_-Trojan-to-Worm.aspx

Yes, it is a formidable opponent we are up against, dear malware fighters,

And then there is Turkojan starting at Euro 99, another trojan-maker:


Doesn’t posting the links only help to spread a tool that’s not really desirable ???

Hi bob3160,

I did not post it, I only gave the link, Panda came with this information, and the use of the tool is not illegal on systems or computers you own. It is very important that the makers of avast could make the workings of this tool obsolete, at least they should be aware. I am no proponent of security through obscurity,


Am I confused or is this program to “build a worm” yourself? because if it is pardon my bluntness but it is absolutely stupid words cannot express how stupid it is

Hi Justin_xp,

It is a tool that gives trojans worm like qualities for instance to infest usb sticks, etc, and yes these creations are being propagated by the malcreants,


and yes these creations are being propagated by the malcreants
So Damien, do we really have to add this website (Support Forum) as a contributor of this nasty software ???

If any site is to be added as a contributor of this nasty software, perhaps it should be PandaLabs that Polonus’ link refers to in the above post. I do not agree that should be done, though, as they are links to information on malware used by malcreants. Unless I missed it in reading the links, I saw no way to download the malware. I only read about what it is and what can be done using such malware. The posting here by Polonus and the posting at PandaLabs is for information only. I suppose you might think that this makes these things easy to find. It makes no difference. It is as simple as a google search if you want to find such things.



I think Polonus did the right thing in posting this so that both awil and forum users can be aware of what is going on in the malware world.

Hi CharleyO,

Thanks for the wise words, you analysis is right, the link was put everywhere on the web quoted by various security sites (The Register etc.) as a warning so people should be aware this is going on, and tailor-made protection against the malcreant’s actions will be available. Forewarned is forearmed,


I for one would have rather been made aware of such stuff that’s readily available to those that choose to use it against those of us that’s out here trying to fight the battle, and help keep everyones computers safe and trouble free.