I fix computers and can not stand to hear people pissed me off with BSOD problems, please launch soon an update or new software, because I quit using avast ta horrible I can not use the pc and nobody can aqi give up and I will not recommend this shit to anyone else … this junk software … DX
Oh dear, somebody is upset.
But I am posting just to let you know there is a dedicated thread to this topic that may be helpful.
already read almost all posts here … so far no solution and already lost a hard drive these BSOD errors … Dx
You don’t need to post this 3 times asking the same thing. Please stick to the topic you have been linked to. I have already replied to you twice now. Please follow my instructions to correctly re-install your patch.
Did you try new patch ? http://public.avast.com/~rypacek/patches/
yes, already applied the patches and still suffer with the damn BSOD, ja sent not know how many evictions system and avast for the support site … I do not know what else to do … DX
Did you apply the patch after updating to the latest version? In your other reply, you said you did it before updating.
I did the following I installed the latest version of avast 7.0.1474 and that and applied the patch indicated in another topic, and after appearing errors, uninstalled completely removing all the file manually, and reinstalled again applying the patch indicated in this topic and still the same thing … opens some application or system blocks, lasts two seconds and BSOD with the error in parenthesis “awsnet.sys” to free anti-virus now … = /
Try to submit your memory dumps after a crash if you can so the Avast! team can try to hunt down your crash.