Or just one link, a visit to this site, which scans your system for out of date programs that have patches to close vulnerabilities, http://secunia.com/software_inspector/ (without having to download yet another application and keep that up to date) ;D
I also have SecuniaPSI installed, but there are a lot of general average users that never hear about this application and for those users the Mozilla initiative is not too bad. Off course we know better but we hold a minor position amongst the Internet users - we are the security aware.
Where you are right is why on this occasion Mozilla does not give the SecuniaPSI link. I think there you have a similar issue why they did not launch NoScript a la Firefox default (extension). If it could hamper their main sponsor’s tracking mode (like ABP) they are not mentioning it, but I never read on Mozilla’s official pages that Firefox with the NoScript extension installed is a safer and more secure Firefox.
What is presented is only part of the story. Well we know better here, an automatic Flash updater coming to the following Firefox version is too little too late, but I wish IE has it,