Do the Virus Signature DB Updates Stop?

Do the Virus Signature Data Base Updates stop updating if you have not upgraded to the NEW Version of Avast ?

I ask this because I have not had any Virus DB Updates for about a week now, and am still using build 4.6.691 (since there have been problems with the new Avast version).

No, the virus database should be updated even if you don’t update the program (provided you have a valid licence).
What happens if you invoke the VPS update manually?

Thanks for the reply, I’ve not been available so delayed getting back to this thread.

When I invoke the VPS update manually I momentarily gett a window with a progress bar then the following report:

Information about current update:
Total time: 35 s

  • Vps: Already up to date
    (current version 0550-4)

Server: (
Downloaded files: 3 (0.03 KB)
Download time: 2 s

It would appear that the VPS is telling me that there are NO UPDATES AVAILABLE as the Virus DB is “Already up to date”.

I find that curious since I have not been notified by the POP UP that I have received any updates for going on 10 days now.

Could I be getting UPDATES without the POP UP window notifying me ?

Is this actually a CURRENT UPDATE (version 0550-4), if so if this update has been recently installed then I would have to say that I am no longer getting the POP UP window notification.

0550-4 is the latest version, so it sure looks like the update is working.
Have you disabled the update notification perhaps or change the settings for it?

Thanks Eddy,

I have not changed any settings. Avast just stopped notifiying me with the POPUP on VPS updates apparently since you say that I have the most current version (0550-4).

I checked “Update Details” and “Normal” is checked (rather than “silent”) and the option “Show sliding box after automatic update” is checked. As I said I have not changed any of these settings. I presume that the “Show sliding box after automatic update” is what I have been calling the “POPUP notification”, which I have always been getting up until about 10 days ago coincedently the same time as the new Avast version release.

If this is not the “POPUP notification” setting I am refering to I have also checked in the “Settings” window of Avast and the “Confirmation message when results were successfully processed” is also checked.

As I said I have not changed any settings of any kind in Avast and the notification (with sound) has always worked until recently.

I have also not changed or added anything to my computer since the notification was working with Avast. It is not reasuring when something simply stops working even though no changes have been made.

Any advice, please… :-[

Btw, Eddy, how does one verify that the Virus Data Base is current. (how did you know that I had the most recent version) ?


You can check to see what the latest vps release is.

:slight_smile: I kept v691 after v731 came out; the only POPUP I got
was daily telling me a new version had been released.
Have you been receiving this informational PopUp ?
However, after that Popup would appear, I always
RIGHT-click on the Avast icon in the System Tray and
selected “Start Avast Antivirus” and the interface would
appear and on the top line is “Current version of virus
database” and to its right is the latest info.
On Dec 9, I decided to install the latest v739 and I now
have the “usual” Popup showing the Update info .

Thanks Spiritsongs; YES, the only POPUP I DO GET is the one telling me a NEW VERSION has been released.

I think that maybe this POPUP is interfering with the other POPUP which informs of a VPS UPDATE. It may be that when the POPUP with the NEW VERSION information is showing the VPS update has been done but cannot POPUP or does not POPUP because the NEW VERSION POPUP is still showing.

Could this be the case? ???

If so, the bottom line is the user cannot have both POPUP information settings on at the same time if the user has not updated to the most current version of AVAST! Since the one POPUP is supressing the second POPUP.

I think not… well, programs updates are rare, at least, not often than VPS update.
When you get a program update, the VPS will be updated too, no choice 8)

Tech wrote:

When you get a program update, the VPS will be updated too, no choice

I’m not quite sure what this means… I have not UPDATED to the new Avast VERSION (739). I am still using v691,that is why I get the POPUP informing me of the NEW Avast version.

Do you mean by “get a program update”, you are refering to the POPUP information about the NEW version ? If so what would this have to do with the VPS update ?

Regardless, I have concluded that for some reason when the new Avast program version became the POPUP information about VPS Updates stopped working.

I cannot blame it on the NEW Avast version update POPUP (green color), as I had posted previously, because this only POPS UP on boot up and I leave my computer on for many days which would typically have VPS updates during this time and in the past would have had the POPUP message show telling me that a NEW VPS update was done.

So bottom line it appears that the VPS updates do continue to work but without the POPUP informing me of that fact coincidently when the new Avast program update became available.

Presumable when I UPDATE to the NEW Avast program version (739) the POPUP window for VPS Updates will re-appear as Spiritsongs has reported. I find this curios that the POPUP quites working when a NEW Avast program update is available, but stranger things happen with computer software… ;D

No, I’m refering to the update itself: updating, really, in fact, the program, you’ll update your vps.

I suppose your avast4.ini file settings are ok…

I guess Avast is just like my old Ford, it eventually fixes itself… ;D

After about 2 weeks of not getting the POPUP for VPS updates (even though I was apparently getting them), I just got the POPUP for the VPS update today.

Nice to see it’s back even though I have done nothing as far as change any settings of any kind with Avast… :wink:

Patience is its own reward, I guess. :slight_smile:

If I had to guess at this point, there must be a registry setting that signals Avast to start giving me the POPUP window when VPS updates are done.

Reason: For awhile I wasn’t getting any POPUP, then after about 2 weeks I started getting the POPUP window. I had to revert back to a previous Registry setting due to unrelated problems. The Registry setting I had to revert back to was the same day that the POPUP started showing up for Avast on VPS updates.

Now I am back to square one and NOT getting the POPUP window when VPS updates occur. I am now back to only getting the POPUP telling me that a new Avast Version is available (which seemed to disappear, btw, when the VPS POPUP started working after a couple of weeks).

So it would appear that a Registry setting was set after about 2 weeks of showing the “NEW Version POPUP” and then once the registry setting was done I started getting the “VPS POPUP” showing up.

If all of this is true (I would have no other explanation since Avast is now performing as it had before after reverting back to a previous Registry setting; Version POPUPS and NO VPS POPUPS), then will Avast get my POPUP for VPS updates back in say 2 weeks or less again as it did before ?

Can anyone verify that this is the way Avast works ?

Of course sometimes my Ford’s problems might sometimes return… ;D

I really doubt that popup messages have anything related to Windows Registry…
Anyway, you can check your avast settings (or even the avast4.ini file and the ‘Settings’ link in my signature).

Which version of avast are you using?
Can’t the popup messages appear when you’re not in front of the computer and, after a while, disappear?
Did you check the option for on-line games into Troubleshooting tab of settings, if so, can you uncheck it?

The panel announcing the new version will work the same for vps and program updates. If you have one you’ll have the other. At least, I think this is the normal behavior. Hope that someone from Alwil correct me if I’m wrong.

Thanks Tech for getting back to me. :slight_smile:

I really doubt that popup messages have anything related to Windows Registry... Anyway, you can check your avast settings (or even the avast4.ini file and the 'Settings' link in my signature).

So then it was coincidental that BEFORE I changed to the backup Registry that I was getting the VPS POPUP and AFTER I changed to the backup Registry even though VPS updates do occur I am NOT getting the VPS Update POPUP.

I have no idea what you are refering to in “the ‘Settings’ link in my signature”. Regardless, I have not changed any setting in Avast of any kind for many months and the only time the Avast VPS POPUP has not shown up has been about 2 weeks after the new version was released (which was temporary) without my making any changes of any kind to settings for Avast and NOW after I went back to my previous Registry setting.

Can't the popup messages appear when you're not in front of the computer and, after a while, disappear? Did you check the option for on-line games into Troubleshooting tab of settings, if so, can you uncheck it?

I use Dial-Up and am in front of my computer when I’m connected. The on-line games is unchecked, besides I have not changed any Avast settings of any kind for many months and the VPS Update POPUP has always worked up until the two weeks after the Avast Version Release which is when I first posted this thread. Then after about 2 weeks of getting VSP Updates without the POPUP window showing the POPUP DID start showing up so all was well, up until when I went to the backup Registry which then reverted back to the way it was the two weeks after the new Avast version release. (Incidentally the (green) Avast version POPUP has only showed up when the VPS POPUP was not showing up.)

Funny, today (01-01-2006) my logviewer says (last line):

27-12-2005 14:40:22 SYSTEM 2024 The virus database (VPS 0552-0) was automatically updated.

So I think: during 5 days no virus DB update?
When I update manually, the programs says: you’re up to date! (0552-4)
Program 4.6.744

So the logviewer doesn’t register any more. I checked all settings. (size of logviewer is unlimited)

Any idea?

Did you check the about avast to see if the last automatic VPS Update in the log matched what about avast displayed (before you did a manual update)? This would confirm that your auto updates were working and it was the log that was wrong, rather than the log was right and the auto update wasn’t working correctly.

Ensure that the Logging is set to record updates, is there anything in the Windows Event logs?

I have logging set to ‘Notice’ and both the avast! Log Viewer and the Windows Event log correctly records the auto updates.

I mean the link that you’ll see if you click the word Settings in my signature, this link:

But I can’t imagine what’s wrong with your computer…

^ Tech, the link you posted: takes me to the "Understanding Avast4.ini file. I’m not sure if this was your intention, but I cannot find anything on “My Signature” settings after perusing all 7 pages. Maybe I missed it, but I’m thinking even if I can find it I’m wondering if your instructions: “you can check your avast settings” tells me enough to know what do do unless of course there is further explanation if I ever find what you are refering to. :slight_smile:

Yes, it is.
I’m not saying your problems will be solved, but just could give you some light.
I thought on section [AAVM] and values SuppressUpdatedInfo and SuppressUpdateErrorInfo

Sorry, I’m not sure this will answer your trouble, indeed, it’s strange not having the update popup but, again, registry recovery (or roll-back) won’t change the avast4.ini settings or avast behavior in this specific point. At least, it shouldn’t change in normal conditons. ::slight_smile: