Do we need it? Celframe Free Antivirus can work side by side with our antivirus.
What do you think?

Well the founders name says its a Indian company or may be by an Indian. :smiley:
But can’t say anything without testing

Downloading… Will let you know about it, Tech.

Well, it’s off my computer ::). Here’s a screenshot of it.

  1. It installs using a web installer.
  2. Shows ads in a separate window, and sometimes right next to the program window(Not shown in screenshot.)
  3. I don’t know how it secures the facebook and twitter. Since https is already being used by twitter and FB, I don’t see how it can improve(I did not test it.)
  4. I have not tested with any malware samples.
  5. Give it a try in your virtual box.

I have uninstalled it and will no longer use it; kthxbye.

Looks to me like someone ripped off Immunet.

Other forum where it has been discussed.
Overall opinion is not that good.

i don’t know what to say about it. it sound a little to good to be true when i was checking there homepage. it will prectect you when your on facebook? how? whats diffrent from other company?

Just by checking their homepage made me lost my interest about them already. Let alone to actually downloading and trying their product.

We ran a quick test on this app. See here:

Best regards,


Thanks for this interesting info, Chris…! :slight_smile:

We performed a context menu / static scan of 10,000 early life samples and found it detected 36.21%.

It’s either the application is a real failure or it’s actually didn’t work because you install and running it inside a virtual machine and test it against simulated attack.

I think the absolute way to test such application is by installing it in a sacrificial computer and run it against a real attack not the simulated one, then you’ll see whether the application perform what it’s claim to perform or not.

Hi DarkMasters,

Generally, testing with VMs maps very accurately to behaviour on real systems. We work with many vendors and all their applications function properly in virtual environments – with the huge increase in the use of VDI, it is imperative that they do.

The simulators used all make use of valid MitB attacks – the same as Zeus, so accurately assess efficacy against real financial and identity theft malware.

Best regards,


Then, my hunch is right… ;D

Thanks for testing Chris :slight_smile:

I’m using Avast Internet Security (2nd year) and Celframe Free Antivirus (d/loaded Tuesday 7th June), I’m running vista business and it works fine for me. Ran both to scan Avast for C drive and Celframe for D drive, i have tons of directories - files as i’m a web and business developer. I didn’t try the facebook or twitter secure login tho cos i do that via my iphone4 but my avast scan took 3hours and celframe took 2hours, avast 6 virus, celframe 8 virus different drives, files equally same +/-. Maybe they fix the bug before i downloaded not sure or doesn’t support xp. Who knows, werks for me like gem and keeps my pc clean.

It sounda awfully like Malwarebytes supporting forum and seem to talk bad about all products excluding Malwarebytes and no one is allowed to join the forum so i wouldn’t trust such ghost and non active forums. :-[