I got a pop up on target.com I visited today saying the network shield has blocked a harmful site,here’s a screen shot of the last one I got. Do you think my computer could be infected. I ran a full virus and malwarebytes scan with negative results. If you ask me to do anything further please remember I’m a computer novice so a full explaination would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
I think you’re clean as NetShield blocked the infected site.
Anyway, you can check with an online scanner like:
For detection-only, not cleaning:
Trendmicro housecall
Here a very comprehensive information about the on-line scanners.
Also, here a full list of on line scanners.
[b]For detection-only, not cleaning:[/b] Kaspersky Trendmicro housecall
from Trend micro website: Enhanced detection and cleanup addresses rootkits and other sophisticated threats
Terch…why not let Essexboy have a look inside?
Thanks Tech,it only happened when I went to target.com,I use AOL and also tried it using IE. Same results,get the pop up about the blocked site,will try one of the scanners you suggested,but defender wants to install an add-on,“qsax.cab”,is it OK to allow that,please remember I’m not very good with these types of problems. Also if I try to run any of those other anti-virus programs isn’t there a chance there will be a conflict as I use avast?
Thanks Pondus. I’ll change my text.
About Essexboy, I cannot compete with him ;D
About Essexboy, I cannot compete with himyou dont have to.... you show them the guide and what logs to attach and then Essexboy will do the rest ;)
I’m just curious but how do they determine a “false positive”,and could this be the cause of me getting this pop up about the blocked site??? I’m heading to bed in the event anyone wants me to do anything,I’ll be back in the morning.
there are many people still facing this…the latest VPS should have resolved this! :-[
Just a heads up,but I have the latest update and the warning is continuing for that site I mentioned,target.com.