Do you think your a g33k
I do…
with 2 Desktops 3 Laptops 1LCD 19 INCH MONITOR 1` CRT MONITOR
All the popular webbrowsers ( Main 1 Is Oprea i use)
Do you think your a g33k
I do…
with 2 Desktops 3 Laptops 1LCD 19 INCH MONITOR 1` CRT MONITOR
All the popular webbrowsers ( Main 1 Is Oprea i use)
I’ll answer your question if you give a straightforward definition of the word “geek”.
No, I do not.
Hi for the real geeks among us:
Update your host files,
According to, a geek is:
1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.No, I am not.
2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)Yes, I am.
3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.No, I am not.
A computer geek
Like Bob3160
I’m verging on “wannabe-nerdish” but haven’t reached (nor really aspire to) true geekdom.
Here’s another one for you to think about …
“This is a person who knows a little more than the average person about computers but not enough to truly be helpful. Usually someone who knows enough to be dangerous or harmful to a computer or it’s software but never truly fix an issue.”
I really liked that definition.
I used to be a ‘real’ geek a long time ago.
But I’m afraid much has ‘evaporated’ out of my head over time.
@hlecter: There seems to be alot of pretend-a-tech’s on this forum lately, doing more harm than good with their advice if you ask me. Seems to me we’ve lost quite a few real “geeks” in the past year or two. But i am getting off-topic now…
Definitely not a geek, but I thank all the computer geeks in this forum who helps us non-geeks so much.
Not a computer expert.
Not “definition #1”
Not “definition #3”
I hope none of these posts are related to me though…^^ ;D
I have been accused of #1 and #2
But I have never done #3:
I am more like a nurd:
I love that song from Weird Al ! ;D
Then you might also like this one:
Excellent lyrics… ;D
Much faster from YouTube and pictures:
Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies
I guess I am a geek, because I want to change the title to, “Do you think you’re a geek”.
Notice the correction in grammar, lol.
Other than that, I don’t care what you define geek as, I am truly one.
Maybe I should coin a new phrase, “I geek, therefore I am.” No, that sounds nasty.