Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device

Why do I get this infuriating message every time I try to open an attachment in Outlook. I just want to see the attachment!!!

The SafeZone browser has nothing to do with Outlook.
Please post in the correct forum.

But this annoying message began as soon as I started using the browser!

Furthermore it is not just an Outlook issue. The same thing happens when I follow links from within the browser, so your rude response is uncalled for

As Eddy (Reply #1) I can’t see any connection to OL either.
But feel free to contact support:

Only thing that comes to mind is SZB asking to be the default browser for certain filetypes.
Without knowing more details, there really is nothing we can do for you.

Thanks, it’s pretty simple really. Every time I click a link I get this message, which is asking whether I’m OK with Avast SZ making changes to my hard drive. Not a big deal, just irritating (and It’s not really making significant changes to my hard drive anyway - at least I hope not!)

A screenshot could help.

Cant get a screenshot (maybe because I’m an idiot, I don’t know)
I was offered options about security by Windows and have got rid of this problem by choosing a low security option, but now I’m worried about security and can’t find how to reverse it.
Now definitely NOT an Avast problem so thanks for your help - I’ll have to get into MS now

OK, thanks for the feedback. Good luck.

Seems to me you changed a setting in the User Account Control.