does an infected email on isp invade my laptop

I keep and view my emails by going to the webpage - I do not download anything or keep any emails on my actual laptop.

Question is … if I go to, go to my email inbox and open an email and then see a virus warning … have I allowed that virus to enter my laptop?

And if so, will a normal virus scan remove it?

All and any advice much appreciated. Many thanks

Virginmedia protect there mail accounts with a spam/virus scanner on the mail server (not sure who they use, googling around may give that info) most mail providers do

When you use webmail, all incoming traffic is scanned by avast webshield

Do you get a popup from avast when you enter the mailbox?
If so, what does it say? … you may attach a screenshot

Or is the message you see from virginmedias virus scanner? … see info in post below

Some info from virgin media