Thats whati thought in the first place. Mail was deleted asap.
I also got second one by some Mike M.
Display all headersDate: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 19:59:51 -0400
To: rejzoratsioldotnet
From: "Mike M."
Subject: New Virus May Steal Data,1377,63994,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_5
New Virus May Steal Data
Reuters Page 1 of 1
11:45 AM Jun. 25, 2004 PT
A mysterious Internet virus being spread Friday by hundreds and possibly
thousands of infected websites may be aimed at stealing credit card and
other valuable information, security experts warned.
The infection appears to take advantage of three separate flaws with
Microsoft products. Microsoft said software updates to fix two of them had
been released in April, but the third flaw was newly discovered and had no
patch to fix it yet.
Experts said the infection, detected by Microsoft on Thursday, was
unusually broad but wasn’t substantially interfering with Internet traffic.
Security technicians at Microsoft and elsewhere worked Friday to pin down
how the infection spreads across websites. It appears to target at least
one recent version of Internet Information Server, Microsoft’s software for
operating websites.
The infection makes subtle changes to the site so visitors get a piece of
code that’s designed to retrieve from a Russian website software that
records a person’s keystrokes and can send data back, experts say. Such
software “Trojan horses” are routinely used to fish for credit card
numbers, bank accounts, passwords and the like.
Now that the code is out, other hackers are likely to adapt it to
distribute software for spamming and for launching broad Internet attacks
against popular sites, said Alfred Huger, senior director of engineering at
Symantec Corp.
“Users should be aware that any website, even those that may be trusted by
the user, may be affected by this activity and thus contain potentially
malicious code,” the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team warned in an
Internet alert.
Stephen Toulouse, a security program manager at Microsoft, recommended that
computer owners obtain the latest security updates for Microsoft products
and their antivirus and firewall programs.
Because one flaw has yet to be fixed, he said, users should also turn up
security settings on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browsers to the highest
Security experts noted that users can avoid the exploit by using
alternative browsers such as Mozilla and Opera. Users could also turn off
the Javascript feature on their Microsoft browsers, though doing so
cripples functions on some sites.
The infection does not affect Macintosh versions of Internet Explorer.
I deleted this one too. And added it on spam list.
It doesn’t look dangerous and its a real warning about “uknown” malware,but i didn’t subscribet to it so its gone