Does Avast! 4.7 Home Edition Integrate with Outlook Express 6?

Does Avast! 4.7 Home Edition Integrate with Outlook Express 6 to scan Emails?

Hello and Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Yes, avast! can scan your MS Outlook Express 6 Email , using the Internet Mail provider :wink:
But it depends what Windows you have - if your windows is NT based (WinNT, WinXP …) the Internet mail provider will scan your mail automatically , if you have older Windows (like Win95, Win98 …) you’ll have to run the Mail Protection Wizard , before avast! can scan your mail :wink:

How to Find Out Whether its scanning or not?

Just open the Resident Protection Window ( click on the “a” ball in the system tray) , choose Internet Mail Provider and see if the counter is changing :wink:

see the screenshoot - it’s in bulgarian, but should guide you where to see the counter :wink:

Help! Counter Does Not Change When I Read a unread Email From Outlook Express.

OK, then more info will be appreciated - what win do you use , what email account you use (gmail , hotmail …)
I forgot to say that the Mail Provider cannot scan SSL connections :wink:

I use Gmail.

Oh, then here’s the problem - Gmail uses SSL connections which the Internet Mail Provider Cannot scan.
For more info on using Internet Mail Provider and GMAIL account see HERE

I notice from your email icon, you have a gmail account, is this the email you are downloading or do you have other accounts ?

avast, can’t scan SSL/TLS secure encrypted email, that is the whole idea of secure email to stop people (including AVs) poking there noses in your email. Gmail scans its emails so you have at least some protection there even if avast can’t. However if you want avast to scan it you need a third party interface such as STunnel that allows avast to scan content before it is encrypted, etc.

Other topics:
Gmail and Avast Providers
Redirecting multiple SSL accounts