Does avast detect inactive malwares?

I’ve heard that malwarebytes can do it and I am just curious about their combinations^^

What is an inactive malware?
avast can detect infected files or websites that still aren’t enabled (run, executed, opened…). So it seems just propaganda of MBAM. avast (or any other antivirus) does the same.

Eh meaning active malwares are malware in activity and malware which are active are the most dangerous.And inactive malwares are malware which are still doing nothing in our computer^^

Q: What does an on-access scan do.
A: Scans files that may or may not be active.

Q: how does inactive malware get on to your system.
A: something has to download it, etc. and at that point, guess what the on-access scanner/s (web shield/p2p shield/standard shield, etc. scans newly downloaded/created/modified files.

So from the above (a brief how avast works), I hope you can now answer your own question ;D

Easy really, considering MBAM free is an on-demand scanner in the same way as the avast on-demand scan.

The major difference is that the MBAM on-demand scan additionally scans the registry, were avast scans the files and if it finds any spy/malware related detections it will check for associated registry entries.

So another reason for the compatible multi-application approach to security.

shiw liang is back. :wink: ;D


Sorry I was wrong last time and was banned from using the forum but now I’ll make good use of this!