Does AVast Home Edition have the Email Spam function?

I’d like to know if the AVast has the Email Spam Filter Function like Kspersky’s. The current Kspersky can mark the suspicious emails with taging a [SPAM!!] head in the email subjects and then remove the mails to the spam filebox. This is very convenient for users without caring the unuseful info. Not sure if the AVast has the similar function?


avast doesn’t have an inbound anti-spam filter it is looking only for malware. I can however detect if your system happens to be sending out spam without your knowledge, depending on your settings.

Personally I much prefer to have a specialist program handle spam detection and I use Mailwasher Pro (not free), which only downloads a small part of the email and decides what is spam, you can also flag other emails for learning and deletion. When you click process mail all email flagged as spam is deleted from the email server, it then calls your email program and you download the remainder of the email. Saves me a lot of time and grief of having to download all email to then filter it, especially as I’m on dial-up.

There are other anti-spam applications that are freeware, spamihaliator (spelling is suspect, I hate the name) and that too deletes spam from the email server.

Spamihilator is the spelling… a very good program.;action=display;threadid=3413

:slight_smile: Thank you! It’s really helpful for me.


Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.

By the way, new version of Spamihilator available (