Does Avast need IE?


Recently converted to Firefox which I now use in preference to Internet Explorer. I decided to have a play on another partion with 98lite which can actually uninstall IE from Win98se.
All went well until I installed Avast which would’nt install properly. Although the logo is there it has a red cross on it and I can’t bring up the interface.

Will Avast only work with IE present or is there a solution tomthe problem?


Avast only needs IE for certain things, like for showing the help/manual.
This has been explained in other threads on this board.
Please use the search function before asking.

About the red cross:
Did you or do you have other av installed? If so which one?
If not, was there one on the system before Avast?


Thanks for the reply.
Prior to Avast I was using Norman.
I had that on all partitions.
The problem only occurred when I was experimenting in another partition and removed IE.
Avast is working fine in the other partitions.

In other partitions? Sorry, I don’t understand. Do you mean multi-boot and working under another OS perhaps?

Can you answer Eddy’s question?

How did you do that?

How did you do that?
IEradicator may be ::slight_smile:

I won’t trust that much in this… IE is so melted with the OS that the user will have troubles in the future…
Besides, it’s not for use with Windows 2000sr2 or Windows XP.
Anyway, thanks for the info.