Does avast! really come in a box?

I am a self proclaimed avast! policeman and I see avast! listed on eBay with a picture of a box along with the listing.

I’ve been curious about whether or not there really is or is not a box provided with avast! in some instances.

Anyone know?

Thank you.

Do not know about avast, but Malwarebytes is now in a retail box

I see so many avast! boxes and never saw one in real life.

The boxes are virtual, just an image representation as the product is only distributed on-line and not as Retail sales. I don’t know if some avast distributors might supply the product on CD but I don’t believe there is any physical box as in the images.

Many products sold on-line show an image representation, rather than some old image of avast5 ;D

I’ve been wondering also :smiley:

Well, thanks for the replies.