Does Browser Protection module block bad sites if they are red?

My friend is wondering if it can.

No! The web shield will.

Yeah the browser protection module will block the site, I have had it block a couple when I had enabled.

When I was trying out the browser protection (AOS) I found that it did
nothing in the way of site blocking. It was always the web shield that
did the actual blocking.

Hi Cast,

You’d better have these avast! shields enabled always!
This is the very best part of the overall avast detection and it is very accurate too.
It blocks access to these sites upon detection,
so your computer do not even connects out to malcode and cannot connect to it period!

Disabling it or making exclusions is putting your computer’s security on the line.
I know I have been figthing these malsite contents from within the trenches on the virus and worms every day over the last 10 years.
Want proof of this puding ;), read here now:


Well in my case I know it wasnt the webshield blocking it because at the time I had a extension that acted as a proxy enabled and avast wasnt scanning my webtraffic in Dragon. The extension still blocked the page.

Edit: I use the webshield, just at the time because of the extension the traffic wasnt being scanned. I dont use the proxy extension anymore anyway.