Does it negatively affect on my computer?

All I want to know in this picture is:
I did not do that
is this normal?
Does it negatively affect on my computer?
please help and thanks.

NO.The genuine shell32.dll file is a software component of Microsoft Windows by Microsoft.
The Windows Shell serves as the graphical user interface for Windows operating systems. Shell32.dll is a dynamic link library that controls certain API functions of the Windows Shell, and does not cause any harm to your PC.

I am not speak about the safe .dll file
I am ask about Ransomware Shield of avast / Block app
Blocked shell.dll file !!?
look the picture please
& thx

If you want to know if that file is safe or not …

Upload and scan file at post link to scan result here

Did you recently install windows update?
In last update microsoft changed a way how system loads dlls into process.This is why Ransomware Shield of avast / Block app trigger this maybe.

If that’s a fact, then I’m happy I’m using the free version which doesn’t contain that shield.

THE shell.dll is full clean on
what should I do now?
remove shell.dll from Ransomware Shield /Block app? or leave it?
and if i leave it in Ransomware Shield /Block app:that Prevents my computer to open some games or programs?
and thanks you all.

You can remove it from Ransomware Shield /Block app.You can add the file in exception.

Though I did not know why this happened, but thank you all

If it’s a false detection, then Avast needs to make the correction.