Does site have malware? Again Word Press issues come into play!

Flagged by Fortinet’s:
Sucuri’s gives 54 instances as potentially suspicious, because

Severity: Potentially Suspicious
Reason: Detected procedure that is commonly used in suspicious activity.
Details: Too low entropy detected in string [[‘a[href*=“.jpg”],a[href*=“.jpeg”],a[href*=“.jpe”],a[href*=“.jfif”],a[href*=“.gif”],a[href*=“.png”],a[’]] of length 326 which may point to obfuscation or shellcode.
kicking up such errors as
error: line:3: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement:
error: line:3: { a.inArray(a(this).attr(“rel”),b) === -1%26%26b.push(a(this).attr(“rel”)) } ); a.each(b,function(b,c) { a(‘[rel="’+c+‘"]’).iLightBox(d) } ); a(‘a[href*=“”],a[href*=“”],a[h
error: line:3: …^
error: line:3: SyntaxError: missing } in XML expression:
error: line:3: olbar:1,fullAlone:0,social: { start:0 } }; (b.parents(’.gallery’).length || b.parents(‘.tiled-gallery’).length || b.parents(‘.ngg-galleryoverview’).length)||b.iLightBox(c) } ); var b=,d= { skin:‘smooth’,innerToolbar:1,fullAlone:0,social: { st
error: line:3: …
This is caused by javascript not being wrapped up inside a XML document properly or empty script for Lightbox on Word Press.
Info Credits go to StackOverflow’s T.J. Crowder.
but an expected error on the response…

Given the all green here:

1 vulnerable library detected:

Issues with WordPress plug-ins: fantazy-sidebar 1.5.0 latest release (1.5.2) Update required
easy-profile-widget 1.0 latest release (1.3) Update required
widget-options 1.0 latest release (3.3.1) Update required

Warning User Enumeration is possible
The first two user ID’s were tested to determine if user enumeration is possible.

ID User Login
1 Dan Griffiths dgriffiths
2 None
It is recommended to rename the admin user account to reduce the chance of brute force attacks occurring. As this will reduce the chance of automated password attackers gaining access. However it is important to understand that if the author archives are enabled it is usually possible to enumerate all users within a WordPress installation.

1 issue: Stylesheets 1 issues
Tag Result

Missing SRI hash No issues here: Results from scanning URL: -" type="text/css" media="all" Number of sources found: 0 Number of sinks found: 0

Souces and sinks here:

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)