Does the Mac avast! antivirus scan for Windows malware too?


  • Does the avast! antivirus for Mac scan for Windows-based virii/malware?

  • Or does the database only consist of virii/malware for Mac OS X?

Thanks in advance.

The virus database is the same, so both versions scan for all malware.

Does that mean if I download an Mac OS X malware, although it cannot be run on Windows, will avast! detect it?

Is that what you mean?


I run avast 2.74R0 on Mac Snow Leopard, and now I have created a Bootcamp-partition with Windows XP on my iMac.
But Windows Security Center do not detect this AV application. I am afraid, that avast do not protect the whole Macintosh machine, but only the Mac OS X partition.

If yes, do i have to install (and pay :frowning: ) a second avast AV scanner for PC?

I believe that if you purchased the windows + mac package that you can use the same license key, but again I’m not actually certain that this is true. In fact it is a good k=question as this might have been the case for a lot of people. An alternative is to download the Home\Free edition on the windows computer and once you have the official word about it then you will act accordingly.


Thanks for response, my question was a little bit theoretical, I asked here because I got no answere of same question from avast-support.

In fact it is a good k=question as this might have been the case for a lot of people

The real question is: why do people use Windows on a Mac maschine?
IMHO mostly because of running special/individual Windows-only applications, this means for offline work, not for online like surfing, mail, chat enz.
Beside this, for me the only online activity on Windows is to have fully acces to a MS exchange-server 2003(!) by using Internet Explorer, 'cause Safari 4 is compatible only with version 2007.
So: who really needs a Windows virus protection on a Macintosh? :wink:

I think, the Mac+PC edition is a network version and not a stand alone version for 2 partitions.

Ok, so what is the point of your question if the question doesn’t apply to you ???
Why do people use windows on a mac machine ?: Well for running software that doesn’t exist for macs, as it is the majority of software. For running games, for running servers and a bunch of other apps.

So anyhow please do only ask the questions that dirrectly concern you and the rethorical questions if you which to ask them should be forwared to avast directly not here in the forum :wink:

Thank You


I am sorry that my post hits u :-[
My apologize!

But, as I wrote, did not answer my mail with same question.
“Windows Security Center do not detect this AV application. I am afraid, that avast do not protect the whole Macintosh machine, but only the Mac OS X partition”

I wasn’t offended by your post, it’s just that I don’t see any point to it as you’re not asking any question nor does it inform the users. As far as Bootcamp or your emulation software: the point of such software is to be totaly separed from the Host operating system and hence it is not installed in the windows partition of the mac. Netherless without being protected you can scan your windows partition from OSX as the windows partition is represented by a file (if I am not mistaking) hence you can scan that particular file to see if there are any malwares in your windows environement.


Ok, thank u for your time :slight_smile:

Windows security center, of course, don’t care about AV application, installed on MacOS X partition, and vice versa. BUT:

  • windows version catches MacOS X viruses as well, and MacOS X version catches windows viruses too
  • thus, when you have Windows partition mounted undr MacOS X, you can run avast on it, to detect malware (pretty good offline approach, useful against some stealth techniques)
  • also, windows version will detect malware on mounted (MacDrive, Apple’s RO-driver under MacOS X 10.6, or free HFSExplorer) MacOS X volumes

note: NTFS is still not writable, using MacOS X driver (unless you use Paragon or NTFS-3G userspace add-ons). The same holds for Apple’s HFSPlus driver for Windows.


Yes, Avast on demand scan works fine on both partitions, when u start the scan from MacOS X (tested with Eicar testfile) , but when u have booted Bootcamp/Windows, u have no on access protection.

So, that’s the point. It’s not recommendable to go online under Windows, when people have no Win-AV scanner installed. :wink: