Does this work with Windows 8 properly yet?

As the subject says, I was getting BSODs, even after using the updated files. I also find it extremely weird that the beta forum seems to have a version which is older than the current released version.

I had to uninstall Avast which I hated because it’s my favourite AV, in conjunction with malwarebytes of course.

I find it very strange that Avast is a recommended solution for Windows 8 even with these problems.

So does it work properly with Windows 8 yet or is it better to wait?

I also find it extremely weird that the beta forum seems to have a version which is older than the current released version.
explain ?

Just to note for the OP:There are quite a number of Win8 users with Avast here on the forum and are not experiencing any issues. I had issues with a Win8 Evaluation version I was using but since installing and validating Windows8 Pro I have not had any problems with Avast and Win8
So much more to the issue I think is the OS configuration people currently have (security software) and other installed software.
Also remember, Windows8 is still a very new OS and is likely going to see some evolution.
I’ve read it quoted as “still a moving target” :wink: 8)

Another win 8 64bit user with no problems. I believe it is a per system problem as there are so many variables

Well, I had to remove it from my desktop because it was bsod’s everywhere, even after the patch. I mean, I paid for AIS and can’t understand why it’s taking so long for you guys to figure out what the problem is. I’ve waited for over a month now! I really want it to be fixed, as it’s far and away the best of all the security suites I’ve tried.

I got a new Acer laptop for Christmas, and I am going to install AIS on it shortly. I’ll let you know how it goes.

It seems to be running perfectly on my new laptop! Acer Aspire M481PT or some such. Windows 8 Pro 64-bit. Even the SafeZone Browser works now! I may put the free version on my desktop until I can afford another license. 8)

As I said the problems are very system specific, so to track down all the problem scenarios will not be an easy task

Well it works fine on my Dell L501x but on my Intel Skulltrail system it gave me BSODs galore. Also the Dell has an Intel chipset so it can’t be that.

Also, why is the build in the beta forum older than the build in this forum?

There is currently no beta being tested. Release Candidate 7.0.1472 was replaced by the full release version 7.0.1474. When there is an active beta version being tested, it will be newer than the release version.

Just about to re-install it myself. I had to uninstall a few weeks ago because it shut off my internet connection somehow and the only way I could access the net was through a complete uninstall. I’ll let you know if I have the same problem again tomorrow, as it only shows up after a couple of reboots.

I’m using Win8 by the way, on an Acer Aspire, and the whole thing was working perfectly fine before I upgraded from Win7.

Apologies for the double post, but I wanted to bring this to notice again just in case there was any info yet. I’ve tried reinstalling it again and still have the same problem, with it blocking all internet once installed, forcing me to uninstall.

Considering I just renewed my subscription a couple of months ago, I’m not remotely happy that I’ve gotten less than a week’s worth of actual use out of it, with that time being before I upgraded Windows.

Yeah, I had to take it off my Acer Aspire ultrabook after a few days. Everything started running way slow, system freezes, aggravation. Back to Norton 360 until this is fixed for Win 8.