Does this ZA update contains fix for ZA problems with avast! web shield ?

Alwil guys, do you have any information on this one ?

Thanks !
Cheers !

Wouldn’t we like to hope so, this has caused enough hassle. I would have hoped that they would have contacted Alwil if it did, since Alwil went to them with the compatibility issue.

I’ll test it in one of the computer in my home…
Sasha, the guys are on the USA for an international meeting. Maybe this take some time ;D

I can tell you one thing, the dummies at ZA still don’t
recognize avast! as a valid AV program.
As we already know they are trying to peddel their own crapp.

Yes DavidR, you’re right… that’s why I asked here, because I remember they contacted ZoneLabs regarding those things… so… I thought, they did something regarding that issue finally…

Thanks Technical, that would be great if you can perform some tests, since I never had any of those web shiled related issues with ZA firewalls on neither one of my computers…

Alwil, have a nice stay in USA. I know I am not that close, but if you are visiting my area as well, you are always WELCOME to stop by and our doors are open. Nice hot coffee and chat wouldn’t hurt anyone, right ? ;D

Yes, Bob: completely agree with you! It’s the truth, no doubt.

Fixes Fixes fixes faxes fakes WHAT!

Still same old ZA problems just another day.

The guys at ZA must have some sort of problem digesting info??

Numerous entries re compatability issues with Avast on their forum.

Mybe they should hand ZA back to Mr Gibson for a short time to get things in order ;D

Thank goodness Avast is on the ball

Gee. I was “fat, dumb, and happy” until I read this topic, but now I am becoming concerned. You see, the latest Avast upgrade (4.6.652) is not presenting any incompatibility issues with my ZoneAlarm, BUT… my ZoneAlarm is version 2.6.088 from May of 2001.

Information from a firewall forum pointed out that there were many problems with ZoneAlarm’s August-2001 upgrade, so I decided at that time to leave well enough alone and remain content with v2.6.088 (I am still running Win98SE, so obviously do not need the XP enhancements).

Well, I just checked their history, and ZoneAlarm has had over TWENTY upgrades since my earlier concern. Me thinks I should change to another vendor’s firewall.

What I think you should do is update you ZA. There may be some complaints
but it at least keeps you protected.

I’m not so sure bob3160, I used ZA 2.x years ago and it was my favourite. It just worked and it wasn’t bogged down with useless extras like today’s version. My advice to Acid is to keep his 2.6 version of zonealarm unless there is something he desperately wants in the new version.

Unless that OLD version affords him the same type of protection now available under the
current version, he should upgrade.
Windows 3.0 also worked but I don’t use it any more. ;D

ZA release history

ZA got a new updates? I hope this one is good this time, gonna install the new version and try it out.

rats, it appears ZA didn’t fix the Webshield problem, but I guess I’ll stick with ZoneAlarm for a while since I install it.

The issues with ZA isn’t out of this world. It’s just that ZA’s privacy control ie Cookies,Add Blocking and Mobile

Code do not sit well with Avast.

There are other means of dealing with these issues. Its just my opinion that disabling ZA privacy controls

in order to take advantage of Avast’s Webshield feature is more advantageous. Its not as if ZA are not

aware of the issues privacy control has with Avast’s Webshield feature it just takes time to resolve, a very

long time ;D

I have install Zone Alarm again when I heard this new updates, also I follow the instructions in this link:

I was just wondering, How would this Proxy settings work for webshield and Zonealarm conflict? I did it with both firefox and IE DSL.

(I like the cute movie you made for each instructions ;D)

Remember that conflict only effects some systems with ZA.
I use ZA and have Web Shield up and running without
any problems at all.
In the Privacy Settings in ZA I have them both set to Medium.

Oh, well I change my http proxy settings anyway and it seems my internet is a bit faster then before, gonna stick with ZA now.