Does Windows 7 need...?

Hi, I was wondering if windows 7 needs a software firewall or if the built-in windows firewall (if it’s any different from XP or Vista versions) is sufficient.

If you could please support your reasons to why windows 7 does or doesn’t need a software firewall in replacement of it’s built-in one I would greatly appreciate it.

If you could also post links to these software firewalls that would be great too! (Please include both 32 and 64 bit versions as we all run different ones!)

Other than that I think windows 7 is fantastic. I was very skeptical of it but I talked myself into purchasing Windows 7 Home Premium and I don’t regret it! I find my system running faster and to be my responsive than that of vista.

EDIT I am not sure if say the results of matousec for the individual software firewalls will change in windows 7 or not, So if anyone can clarify whether or not a 93% at matousec will be a 93% for windows 7 as well would be great! This helps in the decision of choosing which software to choose… if in-fact there is any avaible (that work like they should mind you!) for windows 7.

It would help if you updated your signature with system information as to what is the configurartion and applications you are using.

Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile Forum Profile Information then update Signature: with this information like my signature.

If you feel you need a software firewall then Outpost Firewall FREE is good:

I only see account related information.

But I’m running windows 7 64-bit, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+,2.80 GHz 3.00 GB (RAM), Nvidia 8800 GT ( I know it’s not relevant but you asked :P)

FireFox (Sometimes switch between FF and IE8) with WOT, Noscrip and Request Policy

Spyware Blaster 4.2

Avast 4.8

Hi DarkLegend

You need 20 posts to change anything else in your profile, any way i couldn’t change my profile to after 20 posts.


You need 20 posts to update your signature as the forum Moderators put this restriction in to prevent spammer activity.

windows 7 64-bit, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+,2.80 GHz 3.00 GB (RAM), Nvidia 8800 GT is relavant.

I recommend Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware MBAM and WinPatrol:

You can purchase the updates for a small one time fee that provides additional function and protection.

Why not update it now?

Hi YoKenny

I will certainly get around to updating my signature in the next couple of days, so thanks for giving me a friendly nudge. :slight_smile:

Edited Decided to update now :wink:

@YoKenny I meant the Nvidia 8800 GT part. As I don’t see how a Graphics card has anything to with security. I could be wrong though. Also i got 363 GB of HD if this matters.

okay, one post to go then :D. Anyway if anyone can answer my questions to the best of their knowledge that would be great!

  1. Does windows 7 need a software firewall? Or is windows 7 built-in firewall strong enough on it’s own?

  2. Is there a difference between the built-in (windows firewall) between windows 7 and other versions? Like vista and xp.

3.Is there a difference between software firewalls in say 32-bit and 64-bit or do they act the same?

4.Will there be a difference with software firewalls on windows 7 then on vista? (for example the ones at matousec are obviously not tested on windows 7 yet. So will there be a chance that one that scored 93% at matousec be lower or maybe even higher scored on windows 7?)

I think this is all for now. But if I have any other questions I will ask again :smiley:

P.S. Sorry for all of these questions (as some may be difficult to answer) but I like to educate myself on these matters as much as possible.

Thanks for all your help!


  1. You could use:
    Windows 7 Firewall Control 3.0 either fee or free
    Outpost Firewall PRO either fee or free

  2. Vista/Windows 7’s firewall has more outbound control but its not easy to set up.

  3. You will have to get an answer from someone that uses 64-bit OS

  4. Wait for matousec to test them but I don’t have any fath in matousec test results.

  5. Make your signature one line.

@ DarkLegend
My only suggestion is that you don’t spread the signature of multiple lines, it just makes a post much bigger and subsequent pages much longer and much scrolling necessary…

See how others have used the signature function, stick it on one line and let the forum software break it over the actual lines needed. This would be two or three lines deep as opposed to the 17 lines in yours.

better? :D. Anyway, Thanks for the help =)

Much better thanks ;D

Dang… I just got a message when trying to install outpost saying windows 7 isn’t supported in the free version.

Hi DarkLegend,

But eventually we Windows users will be forced to go there (to Windows7 that is), just because of this:


@ DarkLegend
There have been recent updates, certainly in the Outpost Firewall Pro ver. 6.7.1 (2983.450.0714) for windows 7 support and since the two are closely linked (effectively a cut down version of the pro), so I would have though the free version would too.

There is a lifetime licence offer right now on the Firewall Pro version $39.95, this is what I did way back when it was version 3 so not a bad deal,

@polonus Yeah! Woot for DirectX 11 mwuahaha

@DavidR Yeah I just got the lifetime license as it seemed to be a good deal. Hopefully I wont be let down! As it almost seems my PC is slowed just a bit =(

Outpost Pro has served me well in various versions for over 7 years and I haven’t got the 7 year itch to try something else. The one thing I do is disable the anti-spyware function (normally it would be disabled during installation in compatibility mode when it detects avast).

I also disable any other functions not directly related to it being a firewall, because that is what I want a firewall not a jack of all trades master of none approach. I feel the same way about suites, I prefer to choose applications that suit my needs rather than what someone else feels are my needs.

I totally agree. maybe with all the features enabled (to see what it’s like) is the reason I have 35% of physical memory being taken up. And outpost running at 103K =(

I got about 40/50 % of RAM in use constantly in Seven. That’s normal. The more you got the more the OS will use. Having only 35% used is already weird and low; you shouldn’t expect less :wink: