I love Avast!!!
Why when I change setting(like for search engine) it does not save those settings and I have to change them everytime I log on?
Could you rephrase? I can’t understand what settings you are loosing and when or doing what…
Thanks. Wellcome to forums. 8)
Like when you click to connect automatically for dial-up connection, then the next time you log on it did not keep those changes, or at the bottom of search screen where you click not to show preview on the right??
I’m having the same problem. I tried to do the fix from the faqs several times. Each time I restart, IE has changed the setting back to, “Never dial a connection”. I am using MyIE2 for my browser but it sets up the same as IE does. The fix states:
In Notepad, open the file AVAST4.INI
Find the section [InetWD] If the section doesn’t exist, create it. Into the following row into this section UseRAS=1 Save the file and restart your computer.
That’s just how it’s wrote up too. I already had the section and the UseRAS=1. There’s also an entry that says: AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 I tried removing the last entry and it didn’t help. I removed the “1” from the first entry and it didn’t help either. I finally deleted the InetWD and both entries and that didn’t help either. I’m not sure what else to try so I’ll wait for a solution from someone in this forum.
I also tried the help and found the same answer, the UseRAS=1 was not in mine and I couldn’t figure out how to get it in there, tried the insert and creating folders, still didn’t work. : This is just a little annoying thing, but it’s something I don’t want to have to adjust all the time, may have to go back to Norton’s. :-X I hope not I like other features of avast. Well hopefully they can get this little irritant worked out soon!!! :-* Please help if you know the answer.
may have to go back to Norton's.
please dont. im sure the Alwil team will be here soon
It isn’t hard to add UseRas=1. The easiest way to find it is to go by the way of My Computer
Double click My Computer/double click C: drive/ double click/Program files/double click Alwil software/double click Avast 4/double click/Data. Look for the Avast4.ini file, right click on it and choose open. That should open notepad and show everything in that ini file. Then it’s just the same as working with any writing program. Just add the UseRAS=1, under the [InetWD] section, save it, and close. Then you can try the restart and see if it happened to fix the problem. I hope it works for you. Every program, no matter what it is, has a bug in it somewhere. It just takes time to get it fixed. Look at Microsoft Windows for instance! ;D
How about the avast blue (a)-ball tray icon? Does it appear immediately after you log on? Or do you have to wait for it for a significant amount of time?
The thing is, the IE settings may be temporarily reset to ‘Never Dial a Connection’ during the startup of the avast service, i.e. just before the (a)-ball icon shows. But they should be definitely put back after the icon appears.
BTW we’re all talking about Win9x or ME, right?
Ok Vic. Let’s see…the, Avast icon, loads on bootup in the same amount of time as my previous AVG did. I have Win ME and this monster has a P3 with 512 sdram and a 40gig HD. I tried changing the wording under [InetWD] to ‘AlwaysDialDefaultConnection=1’ but it didn’t work. I tried changing the =1 to =0. That didn’t work. I’m really not a programmer so it’s all foreign to me. I can tell you that it isn’t the isp or computer. It’s something between IE and Avast. I can access the internet by going directly to the isp’s entry in ‘Dial-Up networking’ without a problem.
Thanks for the help! ;D