I just downloaded Avast Secure Line and when I press the “turn on” button, nothing happens. And window doesn’t even pop up asking me to start the trial period for 60 days or buy a subscription. I tried to download Secure Line on a new Windows and that’s all the same, vpn isn’t working. Help me please.
I just signed up for the 60 days free trial and put in the activation code, the license shows up on my account as valid but still has the green “buy” button to the right. When I try to turn on the app, it asks me to buy a license, even though I already have a valid one. I even tried to deactivate the license and put in the activation code again, but the program still doesn’t seem to recognize it.
What can I do? No chance I can get personal help from Avast customer services? I would like to see how the product works before they start drawing money from my credit card in 2 months.