Don't know what sound driver I need?

Hey guys,

On my sister’s dinosaur computer because she needs sound drivers installed. Problem is she can’t remember if it came with a CD or not, Computer model/make [Computer is made by ASUS, Couldn’t find anything on there website], or where I even download them?

The speakers are IS 299U from Istar

That’s as much information as I can give you

Hi Husk,

This program might help you

Install this program in your sisters PC and check

Alright I have done that.

It says no sound driver found, or something along the lines of that for audio.

What information did it give you on the computer itself ??? Motherboard ???


I’m afraid we’ll need more, as Bob has mentioned. If you can give us the model name and number of the computer or motherboard, we can help you out. We already know the brand is ASUS. :slight_smile:


Most probably it is Realtek.

Does the ASUS have a model number?

I am sure, Google can help you

You need to look in Speccy and see what the actual sound chip is. Then you can go about finding a driver for it. Another option would be to run Windows update as custom. WU may very well find a driver that will work.