after spending an hour online with avast teck and him trying to fix my computer because I could not download my lisence from there email, HE TOLD ME MY COMPUTER WAS VERY BADLY DAMAGED and insisted I spend 179.99 with his recormmended ENGINEER, what a crock of bull he was shoveling. I fixed my computer myself after trying different methods. AVAST ARE CROOKS. STAY AWAY. GET FREE AVG INSTEAD.

If you needed help you should have asked for it here on the forum…and it’s free.

Avast is the best Anti Virus Program I’ve had and I’ve been using it for years and years.

the phone support is not done by avast. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should contact the avast third party support coordinator please include a link to this thread.

nekvapil(at)avast(dot)com or riley(at)avast(dot)com

Are you sure it was an Avast tech you were permitting to access your computer ?

and him trying to fix my computer
How was he trying to do it? With what tools ?
because I could not download my lisence from there email

Surely the license key is in your email and all you do is to copy and paste it into the Registration section of your Avast program?

Damaged by what ? Maybe his attempts to 'clean it' maybe ?

[quote]and insisted I spend 179.99 with his recormmended ENGINEER[ /quote],
Did you actually do that and if so why as it is your choice and not them telling /demaidng what you do with your machine

what a crock of bull he was shoveling.

The individual may well have been 'inappropriate 'for you as it is very pssible you were not in contact with a legitimate Avast individual

I fixed my computer myself after trying different methods
. Are you prepared to tell us how you did that ?
. Yes if you got in contact with someone who was not of Avast and was not a legitimate person from Avast but how did you fidn the Avast contact? What tool did you use to find the engineer?
.Stay away from fraudsters yes !!

So how are you progressing with Free Avast now ?

That is not the right way to act, by the way other problems can be easily done by just using search engines!!

As it has already been explained this help given was from a third party support company and not avast directly, Para-Noid has supplied the contact details to report this problem for it to be dealt with.

A very interesting comment indeed and a surprising one at that.
Are you suggesting that avast themselves provide no support to its users what so ever…?

If so…then this is indeed a sorry state of affairs which needs immediate rectification.

What do you think this forum is for ::slight_smile:

People…this about the third party support.
I’m quite sure that avast does care about its user base.

No, I do not like the hard sell tactics used by the suppliers of the third party support.
Personally I feel the best support is right here on the forums. 8)

Been using Avast for over 10 years - it was recommended to me by my University Professor. Only had one solitary issue with malware in all that time.
In addition I have installed or motivated the installation of Avast on dozens of computers, replacing bloated Norton or McAfee suites. Not only have there been No issues, each and every PC was instantly 40-50% faster through removal of these big name resource hogs.

For me AVAST is the best. I can only recommend that product.

Why should be AVG better?

You will note that the thread starter has not yet returned to the thread to give their reasons and that they have posted this comment on a forum dedicated to Avast …

It could be that the OP is in contact with one of the persons I posted above.
Which could/would explain why they haven’t posted here again.

I fail to see how anyone could fix a computer over the phone without even seeing it and then have the audacity to charge for it…the suggestion is absurd.

malware removal team do it here evry day … however it require some logs :wink: and it is free

I’m still waiting for a reply by “rugged man” who started this thread. :wink:

Most likely ain’t gonna get one, he probably already forgot how to think.

I suggest you use that knowledge you claim to have to help those that need help instead of making
replies that that no one. :o


Try to live up to the memory and the online heritage of the late F.RAVIA
(who is still greatly missed on the Interwebs every day) and his good friend +ORC.
I am a F.RAVIA searchlores adept myself and he once invited me to publish here on weak cgi:
