dont understand something

I told avast to make a scan ,scanning also and the archives.When the scan finished and the report appeared it said that 4 files couldnt be scanned because cab and rar arhive is corrupted.What is that?Can someone explain me?Thanks

Nothing to worry… I mean, the CAB files could be clean, not infected.
CAB files could have different ‘packaging’ strenghs and deepness, different methods, and avast just couldn’t un-pack it to analyse the files.
Other possibility is that, in fact, the archive file is corrupted…
Do you know the name and the full path of the files?

i will make a scan tomorrow or earlier and i will post the results

they were temporary internet files and i deleted them.i would like to ask u about something else.I scanned with avast my c: when i was at windows and no virus was found.But i scheduled a boot time scan and i founded 3 trojans.Why?

I can only guess…
Some trojans stay ‘hibernated’ into System Restore files, others in some ‘hidden’ temporary files… Then, sooner or later, they’re back :o
So, you did the right thing: boot time scanning.

Other possibility is that you forgot to check for archive scanning in normal avast scanning (thorough).