Dose Avast also protect other client Emails?

Does Avast also protect me when I use Yahoo & hotmail, or any other email clients. I use these for anonymity when I chat and things. ???

And Thank You Very much for allowing home puter users to have this for free, otherwise I would be sunk.
I’m disabled and live on a fixed income and my puter is my life line to the world. Keep up the good work. ;D :-*


In short: yes, if they are based on SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 protocols. This is almost always true, except for web-based mail systems. There is no direct support for webmails because there is no standard interface avast could use to get its job done…

Please see, e.g., the following thread:;action=display;threadid=89;start=0

You’re very welcome! :smiley: Glad we could help a bit… :slight_smile:

Take care,

Take a look at;action=display;threadid=786;action=display;threadid=89;start=0