dose avast detect keylogger?

I have a perfect keylogger file
i uploaded it to virustotal
about 48 (i don’t remember exactly) virus engines detect it except avast
some engines reported that “Not a virus-perflogger…”
this is not a virus and detect it or not depends on the antivirus vender
i just ask to know if avast detect this kind of key logger or not

give us the link to virus total.

Can you send the samples to ?
You can zip and password the files… Inform a link to this thread and the password used.
You can send the files to Chest and, from there, resend to Alwil for analysis.

I’ve sent it!
hope it will be analyzed soon ;D
@nmb: I’ve deleted the file so i can’t upload to virustotal once again
keeping it is dangerous!

Go to historic and search your virustotal of it if you did upload it. :wink:

You shouldn’t do that. Because in Avast they are slow adding malware, if you sent only once maybe it will never added. i had been sending files for weeks and it had not been added. Sometimes Alwil add it after several weeks of submitions

here is the link from virus total 35/41
here are the links to download these key loggers (for advanced user only ;D)

I would disable the last two links as some people may click on them by mistake/out of curiosity, and then become infected…

Change http to hXXp

It’s some download server and you have to put some captcha to allow downloading, so it can’t be downloaded by mistake.

This Perfect keylogger is installed with your permission and can be considered as PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program).


I didn’t know about the captcha, I avoid this kind of site as a rule. I just thought it would be a good idea (still do really), seeing as there are some that will procede to click/download it regardless…In fact I think it should be some kind of rule here really - too many active malware links…especially with webshield detections.

does avast detect this kind of file?

accidently download and activate the file is impossible because
i put it in a .rar file and it can be only downloaded by enter the code from the image of the host


check your self…


does avast detect this kind of file?

This kind of file, which tries to install without your conscious we detect (if we have samples of course) or i.e. wide spreaded Ardamax keylogger which is used both for legitimate tools and is also added to some cracks, keygens and other “tools”.

still not detected
has anyone tested it on a virtual machine?

PUPs will be detected in version 5.


i dont know what is PUPs ;D
thanks for replying

potentially unwanted programs. :,,sid14_gci1066761,00.html

i see
thank you
so it is not a very harmful object :wink: