Double scanning...?

Avasti + Pocomail + K9: Win2k.

I have Avast scanning email and displaying it’s progress in the real time popup window that it uses.

I am curious because when I watch the emails being scanned i often see emails appear twice in a row 9though not ALWAYS so)… and though it appears that have been duplicated in my in box, I find that this is not the case… that there is only one.

Why would they be listed twice ?

You’ll se mail icon once in a while that checks for virus-spam (heuristic i guess) and another one when mail really comes into your INBOX.

I have exactly tha same thing happenning with TheBat clietn since I use its own Bayesit spam filter. I used K9 mbefore and I have not noticed. doubling
The strange thing is that not all e-mails are doubled. Does anyone hav an explanation?

Looks like no one knows… I am concerned that using Pocomail with K9 might be triggering a double scan… at both stages of email collection… by both application. is this possible ?

it is in the detailed listing that the duplication occurs.

How is K9 working (i forgot)? Like local proxy?

yes - listening on port 9999.

Sorry for the silly question, but what is K9? :wink:

Its an anti-spam tool :slight_smile:

Thanks. Can you compare it with Spamihilator or SpamPal? :wink: