Doubt with the firewall options

Good Morning. I just acquired Avast Internet Security and I have two doubts that I would like to clarify.

First: Among the firewall options are the System Rules where a series of activated options appear. What do these options mean and why do almost all of them appear activated if the firewall has to protect our privacy?

Second: among the functions of the firewall, is it to prevent anyone from accessing information about our PC?

A firewalls function is to prevent unauthorized access to your system.
It also blocks unauthorized information from being sent from your system.

Thanks for the reply. But what do all those options that come in the System Rules section in the firewall options mean? Most are activated by default and I don’t know if it is correct for the privacy that they are activated.

But what do all those options that come in the System Rules section in the firewall options mean?
A screenshot may help us answer ....

In most instances, a properly worded Google search will get you an answer. :slight_smile:

If you switch you firewall profile into a public network mode, all the incoming connections will be automatically blocked on top of everything configured by the FW rules – unless you are sharing files or other resources from your PC, this will provide you the best protection from the network threats.

Thank you.