Does anyone have a download link for AIS 7?
Is there a reason you want AIS v7.0?
AIS v8.0 has been released
For more info see
Here’s a link for the free I guess that when you install the AIS license file it will upgrade you, it may also upgrade you too the latest AIS 8 :-\
Thanks for the links. I’ve been using AIS 5 and 6 which have been working fine until the bad virus update some days ago where I had to uninstall AIS to get into my system again. I then decided to give AIS 8 a try, but that thing is causing too many problems on my system. So I’ll try 7 now, and see how it works.
Hm, none of these links leads to AIS 7? Not much for trying the free version if it upgrades to AIS 8.