Download everything from MS??

Hi forum members,

Download everything from MS without WGA-check,

Read this:

Should we encourage this in order to forward general security of the Internet Community or should systems stay without appropriate protection? What is your view?
To sum up for the lazy bones:

  1. download mgadiag.exe
  2. start mgadiag.exe and look at the download center code
  3. visit a download page at
  4. append &Hash=”download center code” to the url (example &Hash=6VJPCR9), no quotation marks needed
  5. Hit enter


One thing is Microsoft quite quickly stop these workarounds and another that what is problem with WGA? Obviously a problem for illegal version. Besides, they will still get critical updates wont they? just to show how many battles there have been with WGA/MS. They are not easy to fool. Even if it works you might be surprised at next update 8) Also what works for some dont have to work for others.

I thought MS decreased number of phone-home events after they got “caught” not too long ago. Even gave legit versions option to disable? Both yes and no perhaps

There’s always WindizUpdate :slight_smile:

Hi bob3160,

Whenever in doubt, there is always Bob’s solution. Thank you. Bob, there is no excuse to be unprotected.


Just remember that Windiz is always behind the windows update and,
at the moment it only covers the security updates.