Have down loaded, “Download Express” and installed it. Question, When I go to download a file with it, should it start up automatically when I click on what I want to down load, or do I have to hold down “ctrl” and “alt” each time and then click on the file I want to download? Also have tried several down loads and a few seconds later I get a musical tone and it stops ??? Incomplete down load I guess. No error messages ??? Thanks for any help. ;D
I feel download express is a pretty poor application it is lacking in user configuration and in my tiral of it, it lasted less than a day before I got rid of it.
There are other download managers check out somewhere line snapfiles.com that will have many different download managers. You would need to check which work
weith winME.
Most download managers you can configure to start when you click on a download link you can in a lot of cases right click on the link and select download with your installed download manager. Some links are strange in that they don’t point directly at the download file and may not work in that way.
Your right DavidR. I tried to download some files from cnet (test). instead of down loading the files I wanted, It down loaded the cnet web page !!!
You might be a lot happier with Gigaget
You no BOB, after I posted back to DavidR, I went to SNAP FILES to look for a Manager (Down load), and “Download Express” kicked in and down loaded a file fore me like it new I was going to get rid of it !!!. I think CNET’s download section is messed up. Any way thanks for your post, will check it out !!! ;D
Checked it out Bob, Could not find any SYSTEM INFO. Do you know if it will work with windows ME ???
Hi Hines,
Try this link … http://www.snapfiles.com/Freeware/downloader/fwdown.html … for download managers.
My suggestions would be Free Download Manager but be sure to check out some of the others and view the screenshots as well as read the user opinions.
Download Express is poor only if you don’t know how to use it…
Firefox is a prefered browser of choise for DE…
That isn’t only an issue with download express as the link doesn’t point you ‘directly’ to the file but to a page that starts off the download process.
I think I know how to use a download manager and firefox is my browser of choice.
There is no way to set a default download location, there is no way to have it kick off a scan of the downloaded file, it hasn’t had any development since 2007 they were the main reasons I recall that it got the push.
http://www.snapfiles.com/Freeware/downloader/fwdown.html. Went there CharleyO, checked them out and downloaded “down load manager”, didn’t install yet. still testing d.express. and also down loaded “Gigaget” from Bob. Can’t find any system requirements for it. (Gigaget). Thanks to all.
Can't find any system requirements for it. (Gigaget)
Requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
I’ve also used it without any problems on a Vista Ultimate System.
Thank’s Bob . ;D