Download first, then scan the folder?

I’m new to Avast Home Edition. I have an HP PC running Vista 64-bit, 750GB HDD and 8GB of RAM.

I download lots of mp3 and binary files from emails, and ocassionally from newsgroups. I notice that Avast will scan each file as it is downloaded, which can sometimes slow things down a bit.

Is there a way to download all of the mp3 and binary files first, and then scan the entire folder later? Or am I at risk while the download itself is happening?

My ISP throttles download speeds and I just want squeeze a bit more speed out of the download process.


Are you using emails to get mp3 files?
Or, on contrary, you’re downloading using your browser?
Do you use a download manager? If so, there is a way to configure avast to scan the files after it is downloaded. The question will be if the download manager works on 64bits.

Thanks for your reply. I use MS Outlook 2003 for email, and as a newsgroup reader, if that helps. I don’t know about the 64-bit thing, but I assume since Avast! is compatible with 64-bit Vista, it might work?

So Outlook plugin is scanning your mail. I won’t disable it. I’d rather let Standard Shield on Normal level and set Outlook plugin at the default settings. Which is your email server? Doesn’t it scan your email?

avast is compatible, the problem will be the download manager compatibility. I’m not an expert on 64bits systems.

Yes, my email server/web host does scan my email, but I have had a couple of odd things slip through. To keep things isolated from my internal “C:” drive, I typically download to an external 500GB USB drive, then burn downloaded files to a DVD or a CD. Don’t know if that really helps…

You’re probably downloading the email to your C drive and then only saving the attached file to your USB. But if your mail is scanned, I won’t see that much problem if you disable the Outlook plugin (although you’re decreasing security).

Yes. You’re correct about that. The email itself does go to my C: drive and the attachments are saved to the external (J:) drive.

I guess I’d better leave things as they are. Better to be a little slower on the download than to risk a nasty infection!

Yeah, better safe than sorry.
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