download site without offers or someone else's installer

I am looking for a link where I may acquire a copy of the latest version of avast! Free that is a clean copy without any special offers for tool bars, tracking software, malware, et ceteras . . . Major Geeks,, TUCOWS, en.softonic and many another do not provide just the avast! free. I tried one of those the other day and when installing Avast, without asking if it was wanted or would be allowed to be installed, Google Chrome was starting to be installed. Quickly I killed that operation and closed the computer. That is unacceptable!

We need some one we can trust especially with our security at stake. TRUST is a large part of our comfort. When I send a friend to get the very best antivirus software they do not expect to have other software included in their download. Avast should provide the exact size of the download and any other security verification for confidence we are getting a clean copy.

Download from filehippo. Then go slow and uncheck what you don’t want,no problem.

Thank you for this info, most sites that produce software provide their own link for us to use. Was hopping avast! would do like-wise.

Avast does provide a direct download link right here on the forum if you only look at the first post of the latest version

cnet is the only one that i know of that put’s the installer in there own wrapper but as mentioned FileHippo is safe from this as well as FileForums which are both my prefered download sites if im unable to first get via the developer first.


Thank you for the posting and the link you provided takes me to another thread that is nothing more than a disagreement in how to solve an issue that is nothing more than a conflict between different software scanners. This is better resolved by the ones that are causing this conflict to communicate with each and resolve it between you (not meaning you personally but the company) and them.

That link is not taking me to a site to do a download from avast! instead of some other site that wants to install their own version of tracking or tricking you into installing unwanted software. The site installs Google Chrome without a chance to select it or not.

Again, thank you for this attempt to assist anyway

The link given by craigb has direct links for the avast program versions, note they have .exe on the end.

All you have to do is right click on the avast version it is that you use free/pro/ais and select Save file as or Save link as, depending on what browser you are using to download.


I understand about the .exe on the ends, I use FireFox v16.0.1 and right clicking does not show any info for links to download. I will attempt to use IEv9.x to see if they show, also the tiny image you provided gave me the chance to copy, not Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V, but duplicate it within my TXT file so now have the info for the free version link.

I am just to uncomfortable downloading software that is very important to my system’s safety from sites that dupe you into thinking you are getting a full version without their fringe benefits.

The internet is getting to be too unsafe . . . even for those of us that just use it to learn . . . anything that one is curious about.

Edited by NTxLS to add below and again below the below:

I will take your word for these links, I have used the one for the FREE version. Will also take the other two (2) just for my own use if and when my financial situation improves. For some reason, this dummy, cannot find where those are shown as you so graciously have explained.
Again, “DavidR,” I thank you!

I have also followed your instructions in your above message, if I select the ‘Save link as:’ all that is shown to be saved is “index.htm” which to me is not the .exe files as you have explained. I have the three (3) links you provided before and will use them, if the occasion arises for any one.

The image I posted (click to expand), is an example of what the links look like on the page craigb gave,

You shouldn’t need any info for links to download, the actual text link tells you it is from avast. Right clicking in firefox or other browsers for that matter would just give the options on what to do with that link. Save Link As… does just that saves the file in the link to your hard disk.

You may well have other options, depending on what other context menu tools you have installed.