download size of file for upgrade to Avast free

I am being prompted after virus database update to upgrade to the next version of Avast. Presumably this is v5. After researching a bit any possible upgrade issues, I clicked the install button, which shortly gave me an error message that I did not have sufficient privileges. Ok. This means I will have to do the upgrade as administrator rather than myself. (I usually do these kind of things as admin anyways.) The issue is I can’t do my own work while being admin. So to get an idea of what size download I am looking at, I went to the download page and started the download of setup_av_free.exe, which is 52.5MB. So the ?s are: is the “install” update this large, or how large will it be? I apparently have till about Oct. 1 before I have to renew my registration; things I’m seeing on the forum is that it will be ok to renew my Avast v4.8 registration and get the upgrade done a bit later, since v4.8 will be supported to the end of the year. Within a month or so I should have disappeared the skinny modem (dialup) and have broadband, so I wouldn’t have to hang up the computer forever and ever in the admin login downloading 52.5 MB, if that’s what it’s going to be. Now is not a good time to do this upgrade.


W2K, SP4, Avast Free v4.8

It isn’t an update as such as the program is completely different, so you are effectively downloading the complete installation file for avast, which also would recognise you have avast 4.8, retain some registration information from it, uninstall 4.8 and install 5.0 all in one session.

There is a slightly smaller version which is the English version (see below, only around 42MB) and not the multi language one you appear to be downloading. You could ask a friend with broadband to download it or try a public service like a Library if they have broadband.

Free AV: - (English only)

For w2k you need to ensure it is fully updated:

  • Win2k and avast 5.0 see:

Downloading Avast 5 doesn’t require being logged into an Admin account and can just as easily done in a limited user account. You must be logged in as Admin to install, however.

Once Avast5 is installed and running, updating the program and definitions doesn’t require an Admin account.