I am being prompted after virus database update to upgrade to the next version of Avast. Presumably this is v5. After researching a bit any possible upgrade issues, I clicked the install button, which shortly gave me an error message that I did not have sufficient privileges. Ok. This means I will have to do the upgrade as administrator rather than myself. (I usually do these kind of things as admin anyways.) The issue is I can’t do my own work while being admin. So to get an idea of what size download I am looking at, I went to the download page and started the download of setup_av_free.exe, which is 52.5MB. So the ?s are: is the “install” update this large, or how large will it be? I apparently have till about Oct. 1 before I have to renew my registration; things I’m seeing on the forum is that it will be ok to renew my Avast v4.8 registration and get the upgrade done a bit later, since v4.8 will be supported to the end of the year. Within a month or so I should have disappeared the skinny modem (dialup) and have broadband, so I wouldn’t have to hang up the computer forever and ever in the admin login downloading 52.5 MB, if that’s what it’s going to be. Now is not a good time to do this upgrade.
W2K, SP4, Avast Free v4.8