Download speeds - need help!

I am running XP Home SP 2. Is there something in the Registry that would affect download speeds? Reason I ask is that I have 5mb down/512 up service, and for about the last month, I can only pull 3.5mb MAX down. My upload speeds are fine.

About a month ago, I installed Speedupmy PC 3.0, and Registry Booster from Uniblue systems. I am wondering if these programs could have changed something in the registry to limit d’load speeds? My model, router, lines etc. have all been checked, and are working fine. My ISP and I are pulling our hair out over what’s the problem could be?

Any thoughts out there?


They could certainly have changed things, but whether this is the cause is not completely clear.

Whilst I don’t use broadband, I have tried a similar tool to try and eke out as much as I can from my dial-up. Now before making any changes I first dis some tests to gage my existing throughput and then used the tweaking tool and tested again so you have something to compare against.

Unfortunately for me it had a detrimental effect, I was also negligent not to commit my existing settings to paper or save existing settings, so I was forced to used the option, ‘restore windows defaults.’ This had the desired effect in restoring my previous connection/download speed.

Unless you have done something like this there really is no way to say for sure what has happened, some ISPs are guilty of throttling bandwidth and or what is called ‘traffic shaping,’ this can restrict the bandwidth according to the type of activity your are doing. This is most likely applied to P2P applications as this really hammers bandwidth.

So you need to ensure there is no problem at your ISP and try restoring the defaults in speedupmy PC if it has that capability.

Other than the above I’m afraid I can’t be of much help.


Thank you very much for the reply!!! Anything is better than nothing! There is a “restore Windows defaults” option but it didn’t change anything that I can see.

I would NEVER recommend Uniblue’s products as their tech support is virtually worthless. Watch for another post coming from me on a different registry issue that was caused by the Uniblue program…

I have determined that the problem is in this PC somewhere. Another PC in the house (wireless) is able to pull 5mb d’loads in speed tests. Something got changed in this PC…I just don’t know where to look.

Every computer is different, and it has to do with the size of the broadband “pipe” configured in that box. David referenced a tool he used. Here is a conversation we had on that. Read post numbers 6, 7, and 8 in this thread:

If you were getting 5 meg download speed on the problem computer prior to screwing around with the registry, I don’t have an answer for you. If you weren’t getting the advertised 5 meg download, you might look into using TCP Optimizer which is referenced, and linked, in the thread above.

I was getting 5mb before messing with the registry. I Googled some stuff and I’m pretty sure thast there’s a setting that can be changed in the registry…I dont exactly know where it is though.

Let this be a lesson to you, always back up your registry before playing with it.

I’ve tested Speedupmy PC and Registry Booster in the past… what a nightmare and without any effective result.
They promise much more that they can give you.
You can try the Windows Advanced Care features to come back to the default values for connection.

THe TCP Optimizer program that was suggested WORKED!!! Download speed is now where it should be…5mb +/- a little bit.


(sorry to shuot but I can’t tell you how happy I am! ;D)
